NAR Stands for:  a(N)other h(A)lo f(R)eak (Machinimators for the clan We, The Spartans)

WTS Stands for:  We,The Spartans (main clan)

We, The Spartans: We are all about team work. Ever get tired of playing random game while your the only one with a mic? So are we. In WTS we play as a group, always communicating. You can rely on your teammates to get the job done. Tired of playing with amatures, or people that seem to surpass you? We work in groups of people who are around the same skill level' so your always with someone you can get better with together.

NARproductions: We are all about making serious and funny Machinimas. We love making people laugh, as well as enjoy our movies about various stories we love to create in the Halo Universe.

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